
Transmissions Board Game

Created by Adam West

Share mechanical friends in a lovely rondel worker placement board game!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

about 1 year ago – Fri, Aug 11, 2023 at 11:53:37 AM

Hello Backers! I hope you are well out there and enjoying games. I just got back from GEN CON this week and it was very exciting. Really good time - with incredible record-breaking crowds! I was play testing my new game (more on that in a later update), but right now I wanted to let everyone know that the SECOND PRINTING of TRANSMISSIONS should be launching on TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 19th! If you have friends, family or a special someone that are interested in getting their own copy of TRANSMISSIONS, this is the KICKSTARTER for you!

Please click here and follow along! And please pass along the information to everyone!

As said in previous updates, I believe I have a good method for getting the game out globally again through Surfin Meeple in the UK/EU and QML connections for the rest of the world.

There will not be many changes in this second printing - still working out what might change in the rules (perhaps some minor tweaks to scoring pipes), and maybe some clarifications to icons and graphics in the components.

I also am planning on offering METAL MINIATURES in a limited quantity only through this KICKSTARTER. If that's something of interest, you'll be able to get them as a separate backer level or as an add-on with the complete game.

Thanks again for making TRANSMISSIONS successful so far and I hope to see you on launch day!

All the best,


Details on Shipping to UK/EU
about 1 year ago – Mon, Jul 03, 2023 at 11:00:07 AM

Hello Wonderful Backers! Last time, I posted about getting ready for a second printing of TRANSMISSIONS. There were lots of things to worry about and wonder about and I was intent on being very honest with where my head was. But after that, many were disappointed that I had no way to ship to the UK/EU. Well, I have good news!

Yes, after a search and discussion with QML, I have a path to get the game to those in the UK/EU - and even Asia/Pacific and Australia/New Zealand. Here's how it will work.

The backer level will be the same for everyone. Shipping will be handled after the campaign ends - just like last time. But this time, I will be adding VAT to the shipping cost. It's the only way I can make it work and I hope it makes sense to everyone in the UK/EU. How much will shipping be? How much will VAT be? Shipping will be what I believe is reasonable for the UK/EU - e.g. about $16 USD to France for example.  I will provide a table during the campaign. Your additional VAT fee will depend on where you are and what your country has decided - e.g. I believe France is 20%. So the total shipping plus VAT will be charged after the campaign is over.

The shipment for UK/EU will be arriving directly in France at Surfin Meeple and go out from there. Europe ships very fast and it should work as well as Spiral Galaxy did last time.

I realize it will still be maybe too expensive to back if you are in Europe, and if you think so, you are encouraged to wait for retail. However, there will be no retail backer level. That's because I'm going to handle retail sales after the campaign ends through QML Direct in US/Canada and (maybe) Matagot for Europe. So yes, you can wait for the game to appear in retail, but I can make no promises as to which FLGS  will buy and won't know until after the campaign is over. This leaves you with the decision on when and where to get the game.

I am still planning on offering metal miniatures in this campaign and those will only be available via the campaign - i.e. they will not appear in retail - and there will be a limited supply.

So that's the situation today! I hope to have a more specific launch date soon. Let me know if you have more questions or concerns! Your ideas and support are really important!

All the best,


Second Printing Feedback Feedback
over 1 year ago – Mon, Jun 12, 2023 at 08:48:52 AM

Hello Wonderful Backers! Since the announcement of a second printing for TRANSMISSIONS, I've heard the feedback and have some feedback for the feedback!

First, on not shipping outside the US. The deal here is I lost a lot of money on OUS shipping last time. It caused the entire campaign to lose money in the end. It was unexpected and really expensive. None of you are to blame of course, and I love getting the games into the hands of people everywhere. But I just can't make it work given the large variables that are still in play. I'm working with QML  and they have some reach with OUS retailers, but not with individual shipping OUS. So at this time, no shipping outside the US. Again, my hope is to get it to retailers OUS through QML and that would give you access to the game after the campaign is over through your FLGS. If you want to help,  contact your FLGS and tell them you want access to the second printing.

However! I might add on Canada. Because it's close and the main ship would still come just to the US. It would be very expensive (likely as much as the game itself), but I could offer it? What do you think? If not, FLGS in Canada may be able to get it through QML after the campaign.

Second, on changes to the second printing and a game "upgrade" pack. I have heard a number of players say the pipes are overpowered. As a result, I'd like to soften their scoring. One way to do it is to simply change the point value of pipes - i.e. upgrade the punchboards. Some suggested giving out a downloadable PDF of those updates and I would absolutely offer that. Some suggested a backer level that would be the new punchboards and I'm looking into the shipping cost for that. 

But that's not the only way I could fix pipe scoring! I could make a rulebook change to how the end game scoring happens and/or other restrictions on placement that make pipes more difficult or limiting. That would mean just a rules change - and that would be easy to get into the hands of backers with a downloadable PDF.  My nervousness with that is although I have many ideas on how it could be done, I need to test it well.

What I'd like to hear from you is: Do you think I should change anything in the second printing? Do you have suggested or preferred ways to fix it? Have you tried some fixes yourself already? What worked for you?

Again, I appreciate your feedback! I know this is frustrating - it is very frustrating to me as well!

All the best,


over 1 year ago – Fri, Jun 09, 2023 at 02:05:00 PM

Hello Wonderful Backers! I hope you are well out there in the world!

After much deliberation and hand-wringing, I have decided to go ahead and attempt a second printing of TRANSMISSIONS! I've been putting it off for this very long time due to uncertainty in the market and how I could possibly make it work. I think I've got it settled in principle and will launch a Kickstarter campaign in the next few months, but I'd love to hear your feedback!

First, it will be a second printing, not a second edition, but there are  a few changes to the game. Mainly I want to rebalance the scoring for the pipe tiles - lower the  value per tile and  change the end game scoring.  At this point, I do not intend to offer any upgrades from the first printings due to costs. The new box will be labeled as a second printing for clarity.

Second, there will be no stretch goals. I already included everything in the design with the first printing. I will include those same components and expansions in this printing as well.

Third, the cost will be higher. This is probably no surprise to anyone! But I will be offering it during the KS for $65 USD. Plastic miniatures will be included in every copy. There will no longer be a standee version.

Fourth, I will (hopefully) be offering METAL miniatures separately. I do not have a final cost for these as yet as I'm still working out the details of colors and washes, but I'm guessing around $40 USD for a set. For those who love these adorable robots, they will be something to treasure for sure. These will be limited only to this new Kickstarter as I have no intention of offering them anywhere else - they will not be available in retail stores.

Fifth, it will be US only shipping at a flat rate. This is because I cannot afford the registration and reporting fees, taxes, VAT, and shipping costs in other parts of the world. I know this will be a disappointment for many and I wish I could offer it everywhere. It just does not work out financially at this time.

Sixth, this version will be available to retail distribution in the US and possibly other countries. I will be directing retail stores to this if they inquire. Backers will receive their copies well ahead of retailers.

I would not even be considering this if it were not for you, my backers! I am very greatful for all you have done and your continued support. Please let me know your thoughts on a second printing!

All the best,


Let's Go!
over 1 year ago – Wed, Mar 08, 2023 at 06:26:46 AM

Hello Backers! It's been forever hasn't it? Well, I'm not here to announce another Kickstarter project from me, but I am here to let you know that Matt Dixon has a new artbook on KS right now - why don't you check it out?

As you know, Matt is delightful and his illustrations are adding a sense of wonder and joy to the world that I hope you'll support. He's already met his goal, so your support will just take the project higher and further which would be great!

I hope you are healthy and happy out there in the world!

All the best,
